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Details of person: Breeze, John Donald

Born: 1843       Died: 1907       Active from: Not known       Active to: Not known
Notes:Former Liverpool draper, later resident of the Workhouse and Hanwell Asylum, a good customer of licensed premises, but really couldn't hold his drink

Resident at various times at the Fat Ox Hotel, and Belle Vue, St Mary's Street.

1861 Census

Aged 24, Living over the shop at Woollright (see 1881) - Draper's Assistant

1871 Census

Aged 34 Lodging at 116 Duke Street, a Hosier's Buyer.

1881 Census

Aged 41, Living (with a couple of dozen other Draper's assistants) and working at John Woollright and Co, silk mercers, 18-26 Bold Street Liverpool. (Census + Kelly's)

1891 Census

John Donald Breeze, 54, Retired Draper, born in Bungay Suffolk. Living with his brother-in-law Ebenezer Harris, 72, and his sister Matilda Harris, 62 b. Norwich


Living with his sister in St Mary Street.


"penderfynodd yr Ynadon ei ddanfon i'r Coleg i Gaerfyrddin am fis, lie y bydd yn rhaid iddo droi yn ddirwestwr a gweithio yn bur galed am ychydig o fwyd. " Brython 20 Oct 1893


"MR. BREEZE AGAIN. P.S. Denis Williams charged John Donald Breeze, Belle Vue, St. Mary-street, with being drunk and disorderly on the 13th inst. Defendant did not appear. There being three previous convictions recorded against the defendant, and he having been leniently dealt with a few weeks ago under a promise of reforming his ways, and that having proved fruitless, a fine of 40s and costs was inflicted, with the alternative of a month's imprisonment with hard labour." Cardigan Observer 30 June 1894


"A Month's Holiday.-John Donald Breeze, Belle Vue, St. Mary-street, this week again made his bow to the bench, but the circumstance was different. He was now charged by P.S. Denis Williams with being drunk and disorderly on the highway at Pendre, on the 12th inst. Defendant having become a public nuisance, the bench prescribed one month's confinement in Carmarthen prison without hard labour as the best remedy for the ills he is prone to. Defendant pleaded for "hard labour," but the bench refused to acquiesce, and he was marched from the court with his overcoat on his arm for the police-station cells. " Cardigan Observer 29 Feb 1896


Police and magistrates hold an enquiry into his mental state. Doctor says he's not insane. see att.


22nd appearance for being drunk and disorderly


"Councillor W. J. Williams remarked that some steps should be taken to prevent boys calling after and annoying Mr Breeze in his peregrinations." Cgn Observer 29/11/1897


"With respect to the allegation made by John Donald Breeze that he had assigned to his sister, Mrs Harries, Belle Vue House, three shares valued at £300, bearing a dividend of about £9 a year, and had lent Mr Harries £150 on interest, which had not been repaid all on condition that he was to be maintained by them for life, but that he had been turned out of doors, and was now an inmate oi the Workhouse-Mrs Harries replied that she had spent more on the keeping of her brother than the value of the shares. This the board considered unsatisfactory, and the clerk was requested to make investigations. " South Wales Daily News 2 Dec 1898

"In the case of John Donald Breeze, an inmate of the house, who, it was stated, had signed over his property to his sister for keeping him and had been turned out of doors, Mrs Harries (his sister) now offered to con- tribute 3s. a, week towards his maintenance without acknowledging thereby her liability. The offer was accepted." South Wales Daily News 17 Dec 1898


"CALMING A "BREEZE." At the Borough Petty Sessions on Wednesday (before Mr William Lewis) an old offender named John Donald Breeze, now an inmate of the Workhouse, was brought up in custody and charged by the master of that institution with misbehaviour on the 26th inst. He was sent to prison for 14 days without hard labour. " S Wales Daily News 29 Dec 1898


"BOOKING HIS CHRISTMAS DINNER. John Donald Breeze, a retired draper, who many times in recent years has been sent to prison for drunkenness and other minor offences, and who is not, but to a slight degree, accountable for his actions, his mind being somewhat deranged, was brought up on Friday night at the Borough Police Court, and sent to prison for three months for absconding from the Workhouse with his clothes. He generally spends his Christmas as a visitor to Her Majesty's prison. " WGWWA 29 Oct 1900

1901 Census

Aged 64, in the Union Workhouse


38th appearance - see att

"In all probability the prisoner at the end of his month will be charged with absconding from the Workhouse, when he will be liable to a three month's conviction." N.B. Absolutely correct!


"A Characteristic Letter. To those who do not know John Donald Breeze intimately, the following letter addressed by him to the Matron of the Workhouse from Carmarthen, Prison, where he goes occasionally from the Workhouse on a visit this time extending for three months will appear rather excentric He wanted one shirt, four collars, six handerchiefs, four ties, Bible and prayer book in one, Whitaker's almanac, and a book on Cornwall. He did not think there was anything else, adding, but please pack them and send on to me, addressed care of Governor Carmarthen Gaol,' and I will receive." The reading of the letter created great laughter. One guardian stated that if they were sent he would defray the cost of carriage." CN 2 Dec 1904


"News of an Old Friend. The Clerk said he had received news of a long lost friend John Donald Breeze. (Laughter). He was now in London. The Chairman: the asylum. The Clerk: No, in the infirmary. (Laughter). -Mr. Davies read a letter from the clerk of a London Union stating that Breeze had been under treatment for some time. His memory was not of the clearest but his statement was that in September last he was imprisoned in Carmarthen for absconding from the Cardigan Workhouse with the union clothing. He had come by train from Carmarthen to Whitchurch (Hampshire), his fare being paid by one of the visiting justices. They asked for an order for removal. On the recommendation of the Clerk. it was decided to allow the London Union to find out the facts for themselves " WGWWA 20 April 1905


"John Donald Breeze Again. A letter from the Clerk of the Wandsworth Union was read, asking for a reply to his letter of the 6th June, respecting the chargeability of John Donald Breeze. The Deputy Clerk (Mr Thomas Kendal) explained that in the last letter received, particulars were asked for the payment of fees, but as that information was not usually disclosed by other unions, no reply was sent beyond that the Guardians were not satisfied that John Donald Breeze had settlement in the union. " CN 22 Sept 1905

"The deputy clerk (Mr. T. J. Kendal) read a communication from the Wandsworth Union, with reference to a person named John Donald Breeze, who is now a patient at Hanwell Asylum. On the motion of Capt. Williams, the Clerk was directed to reply stating that Breeze did not own his settlement in this Union. " WGWWA 21 Sept 1905


Death registered June Quarter Prescot Lancashire

==== A SUMMARY ====

26/02/1887 7/6d. (drunk on the highway, going into and disturbing chapel)

28/04/1887 10/- (drunk and incapable, 3rd time, fell into and broke window)

22/09/1888 10/-, reprimand, bound over for 3 months for £10 surety (D&D)

10/06/1889 20/- (drunk on the highway)

10/08/1889 20/- (D&D)

25/10/1889 20/- or 14 days (D&D 3rd time this year)

30/05/1890 One month hard (D&D)

20/03/1891 25/- (throwing stones)

06/08/1892 40/- (D&D - standing in front of carriages)

24/02/1893 one month hard (D&D 13th time)

20/10/1893 One month (D&D 3rd time this year)

04/05/1894 10/- (D&D)

30/06/1894 40/- or one month hard (D&D - 3rd time this year)

29/02/1896 One month without hard (D&D)

29/05/1896 One month without (D&D 20th time)

03/10/1896 One month hard (D&D)

22/10/1897 One month without (D&D 22nd time)

18/12/1897 Two months (D&D 11th time, and damaging a Police bucket)

29/12/1898 14 days without (misbehaving in the Workhouse)

29/10/1900 Three months (absconding)

05/12/1901 One month (absconding)

09/01/1902 21 days (misbehaving at the workhouse, obscene language - unusually pleaded Not Guilty)

20?/08/1902 let off (absconding)

04/09/1902 One month (D&D 38th time)

20/11/1902 Three months (absconding - assault dismissed)

25/06/1903 3 months and 21 days

20/09/1904 3 months (absconding - 7th time)

Places associated with this person

Total: 1

Pubs associated with this person
Belle Vue Hotel , 29 St Mary's Street, Cardigan
Fat Ox Hotel , 2 Pendre, Cardigan

Total: 1

Additional information


22nd time before the bench

Date: 1897


Being an unruly pauper - three months

Date: 1903


38 times and counting

Date: 1902


The power of prayer

Date: 1902


Jingle bells, jingle bells...

Date: 1901


He's sane...

Date: 1896


Xmas dinner 1902

Date: 1902