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Details of person: Evans, Sarah

Born: 1827       Died: 1916       Active from: Not known       Active to: Not known
Notes:Licensed victualler. Monachty Hotel from c. 1863 until c. 1899 then the Gambia until it closed, carried on living there.

The old Lock-up adjoining the Town-hall is to be converted into a "Temperance" Coffee Tavern by the enterprising landlady of Monachty Arms. Surely, this is an acquisition for our little town. Cmn Jnl 27 Jan 1893 Did this ever happen?

Obituary - see att.

Places associated with this person

Total: 1

Pubs associated with this person
Gambia Inn , 2 Ship Street, Aberaeron
Monachty Arms , Bridge Street, no. 7 (by 1851) and 1 & 2 (by 1861), Aberaeron

Total: 1

Additional information


Obituary of Sarah Evans - Monachty and the Gambia

Date: 1916