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Details of person: South Wales Womens Temperance Association,
Born: Not known
Died: Not known
Active from: Not known
Active to: Not known
"An Encouraging Start. Miss Cranogwen Rees, the energetic organizing secretary of the South Wales Women's Temperance Association, inaugurated a branch of that association at Cardigan last week. A goodly number of ladies met at the Guild Hail on Thursday afternoon to hear an address by Miss Rees. Without spending time on discussion, the working details of the branch were at once decided upon. The meeting made a good choice for their president in electing Miss North. The other offices were filled as follows: Vice-presidents, Mrs. Williams, Bryngogarth, and Mrs. George Lewis, Gordon-terrace; treasurer, Mrs. J. Daniel; and secretaries, Mrs. Evans, Post Office and Miss Griffiths, Chilian House. A successful meeting was closed by prayer offered by Miss Cranogwen Rees. Temperance work in Cardigan is looking up again, and the ladies are to be congratulated for their efforts in this direction." WGWWA 28 Jan 1904
[NB Branch of Church of England Temperance Soc opened the same week]
Places associated with this person Ceredigion/CardiganshireAdditional information