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Details of person: Harries, Ebenezer

Born: 1819       Died: Not known       Active from: Not known       Active to: Not known
Notes:Involved as landlord of various pubs over the years.

Born c.1819 in Pembroke, married to Matilda, b1830 in Norfolk

His daughter Emma Maria (b. 1860) later married Samuel Owen of the Commercial Hotel.

Emma had a daughter Mary Elizabeth (Lily) Harries (b. c.1882) who took over the Commercial after her mother and step-father died within a week of each other. She then married Lewis Lewis an architect and surveyor, and continued to live in and run the Commercial.

1881 Census he was at the Crown in Quay St.

Ebenezer took over the licence of the Fat Ox in Dec 1882

26 Dec 1882 he's recorded as being at the Crown ("the property of Mr. Ebenezer Harries, Crown Inn, Cardigan," Cgn Obs 30 Dec 1882)

April 1883 he gives up the Crown licence

1889, still at the Fat Ox "WANTED, a steady Young Man able to manage Aerated Water Works. to deliver, and solicit orders. E. Harries and Son, Fat Ox Hotel, Cardigan" S Wales Daily News 30 April 1889

1892 Commercial licence transferred from Ebenezer to Mrs Owen

Places associated with this person

Total: 1

Pubs associated with this person
Commercial Hotel , 50 Pendre, Cardigan
Crown Inn , 24 Quay Street, Cardigan
Fat Ox Hotel , 2 Pendre, Cardigan

Total: 2

Additional information