The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Details of place: Llansantffraed (p)
other names: Llansantffraid; LlansanffraidCounty: Ceredigion
OS Grid Ref: SN514672 = 52.282802618, -4.17981426066
Type of place: Parish
Notes: Places associated with this placeincludes: Aberstrincell/Aber-strincellincludes: Llanon/Llan-non, LlannonShow pubs Aberstrincell , Craiglas, Llanon, Llansantffraed, Llanon Castle Inn , Llanon Central Hotel , Stryd Fawr, Llanon Felinfor Brewery , Heol y Mor, Llanon, Llanon Glancledan , Stryd y Capel, Llanon, Llanon Green Castle , Bridge Street, Llanon, Llanon New Ceylon , Llanon Plas Gwyn , Llanon Plough , Morfa Mawr, Llanon Plough , Stryd Fawr, Llanon Ship Inn , Bridge Street, Llanon, Llanon Swan Inn , Stryd yr Ysgol, LLANON, Llanon Temperance House , Stryd Fawr, LLANON, Llanon Victoria House , Stryd Fawr, LLANON, Llanon White Hall Inn , Stryd Fawr, LLANON, Llanon White Lion Inn , Llanon (exact location uncertain) White Swan , Stryd yr Ysgol, LLANON, LlanonTotal: 17
includes: Morfa Mawr/includes: Nebo/Show pubs Pubs in this place Belmont House , Bridge Street, Llanon, Llansantffraed (p) Boot and Shoe , Llansantffraed (p) (exact location uncertain) Castle , Llansantffraed (p) (exact location uncertain) Star , Llansantffraed (p) (exact location uncertain)Total: 3
Additional information
Whitehall 2015
Date: 2015 (approx)
Date: 1818 (approx)
Brewery Sale Notice 1879
Date: 1879
Old brewery and camping ground
Date: 1950 (approx)
= Pub
= Inn
= Hotel
= Beerhouse
= Temperance
= Unlicenced
= Off licence
= Other
= Place