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Details of pub: White Lion Inn, Borth

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN6084189687
Opened: before 1844      
Closed: after 1895       Type: Pub
Summary: Likely to have been a prominent building as there is still a 'White Lion Place' in Borth. There is a P.H. marked on the 1888 25-inch map at the right place.

Notes: 1844
Capt Enoch Jones, son drowned

"Mary Williams, of Morfa-Borth, charged Mary James, of the White Lion Inn, Borth, Llanfihangel-geneurglyn, with keeping her house open for the sale of ardent spirits on Sunday, the 13th ult. Case dismissed." Welshman 15 Jan 1858

"Richard James and Mary James, of White Lion Inn, Borth, were summmoned, charged by Mary Bees, also residing at Borth, with having wilfully and maliciously pulled down a certain stone wall, in course of erection by her. Mr J. M. Davies appeared for the defendants, and after examining several wit- nesses on both sides, an adjournment was applied for, and granted, with a view to compromise," Welshman 15 April 1864

"...subsequently the land was let to Mrs James, of the White Lion Inn, Borth." CN 1 March 1872
Probably on OS map

"THREATENING LANGUAGE. David Hughes, Friendship Inn, Borth, summoned John Ellis, shoemaker, White Lion, Borth, to show cause why he shouid not be bound over to keep the peace. The Bench dismissed the case." AO 10 May 1894

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Drowning of son

Date: 1844


Auction of the White Lion

Date: 1871