The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Details of pub: Samuel Davies, Blacksmith, Cribyn
Other names: Address/Location: OS Grid Ref: SN5197851340
Opened: c. 1888
Closed: c. 1888
Type: Unlicenced
Summary: One reference to selling intoxicating drinks. There are two smithies on the 1888 25-inch map, one quite close to the Mynach Arms, the other a bit further away. The 1891 Census isn't absolutely certain, but it's probably the one by the Mynach Arms.
Notes: 1888
"Drink without a Licence-. Samuel Davies, blacksmith, Cribin, Llanfihangel Ystrad, was charged by Supt. Williams, Llandyssil, with selling intoxicating drinks by retail without licence, at Cribin, Ystrad, on the 7th Februarv, Police Constables David Davies and Thomas Thomas gave evidence. Fined 5s. and costs" CN 2 March 1888
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