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Details of pub: Step Inn, Gilfachrheda

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN4109659026
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Beerhouse
Summary: On the 1890 25-inch map.
On the 1905 map as Penlone.
Variations in name suggest it was perhaps an 'Inn' for a short time. 'Stepinn' is in the 1881 and 1891 Census, but before and after it's Penlone. That suggests it was no more than a beerhouse, with the widow Evans doing a bit of brewing for the neighbours.
The only apparent published references are the auction notice and report, but if she kept her nose clean there wouldn't be any others.

Notes: 1851 Census
Penlone Elinor Davies Wid 40 Ag Lab
1861 Census
Penlon Elinor Evans Wid 52 Farm labourer
[The name change from Davies to Evans is interesting. It's the same woman - daughter Mary the right age in both, and the same birthplaces]
1871 Census
Penlone Eleanor Evans Wid 62 stocking knitter
1881 Census
Stepinn Eleanor Evans Wid 72 former Ag Lab wife

Auction notice (lot 21 of 71 lots) "Step Inn or Penlon" 23 poles CN 13 Sept 1889
Sold to the tenant, Mrs Mary Evans, for £34 - Cmn Jnl 27 Sept 1889

1891 Census
Stepin Mary Evans Wid 45 Charwoman

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