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Details of pub: Malthouse, Llechryd

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN2117443489
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Malthouse
Summary: Named as Malthouse in 1871 Census and 1873 court report. Still called Malt House in 2017.
1861 Census is called Ffynonoer. No mention of malthouse.

Notes: 1871 Census
Ann Griffiths, widow, 83, Farmer

"Ann Griffiths, malthouse, Llechryd, widow, was summoned by P C. Evan Jones (18) for allowing her pony to stray on the highroad at Llechryd on the 22nd June. Fined 1s, and costs." AO 2 August 1873
"P.C. Evan Jones (18), charged Anne Griffiths, Malthouse, Llechryd, for allowing four pigs to stray upon the turnpike road on the 31st of August. Fined 1s for each animal, and costs" Welshman 3 Oct 1873

"P.C, John Richards charged Ann Griffiths. Malthouse, Llechryd, with allowing her cattle to stray on the highway on the 16th ult. Mr J. A. G. Evans appeared for the defendant, and on his application the case was allowed to stand over until the next petty sessions. " Welshman 3 Dec 1875

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