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Details of pub: Dolmeddyg, Llangrannog

Other names: Dolmeddig
OS Grid Ref: SN3167253993
Opened: c.      
Closed: c. 1850       Type: Beerhouse
Summary: Referred to in J Geraint Jenkins, 'Llangrannog - some aspects in the development of a coastal village" in Ceredigion iii p.232 1956 "As recently as 1890 the village possessed its own public house, Dolmeddyg, the last publican being David Jones-Dafi Doctor"

Story confirmed by obituary, 1904

Notes: 1841 Census - Dolmeddig
David Jones, 65, Innkeeper
Sarah Jones 70
2nd household:
John & Margaret Owen + children, aged 45, Lab.

1851 Census
John Owen Ag Lab 54

1861 Census
John Owens, 69, Ag Lab
dau Ann unm 29

1881 Census
Anne Owens, 49, Unm, Boarding House Keeper

Anne seems to have married...

Anne Richards 57 M Lodging House Keeper

[Sanitary Inspector] A house called Dolmeddig, in the parish of Llangranog, was used as a lodging-house. He visited the place, and considered it a proper lodging- house. WGWWA 24 Sept 1903
Obituary of Anne Richards.

"Tlawd yn Undeb Llanelli: Darllenwyd llythyr oddi wrth yr undeb hwn mewn cyssylltiad a Hugh Richards, gynt o Dolmeddyg, Llangranog, ag oedd yn y Tlotty: ac yn gofyn am ganiatad i'w drosglwyddo i'r undeb hwn." Baner ac Amserau Cymru 16 March 1907

Additional information


Obituary, Anne Richards

Date: 1904