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Details of pub: Cross Inn, Llanddewi Brefi

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN6631255300 probably
Opened: c.      
Closed: 1939       Type: Pub
Summary: Location is a process of elimination, based on the five pubs on the 1905 map. This is the only one that is by a crossroads.

Notes: 1861 Census
David Beynon, Wid 67, Innkeeper

Licensee: Beynon, David
Slater’s Directory, 1868

licensee: William Beynon (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)

" Transfer of Licence. The Bench granted an application for a transfer of the licence of the Cross Inn, Llanddewi Brefi, from Edmund Edmunds, saddler, Lampeter, trustee of W Beynon, late of Cross Inn, deceased, to John Davies, late licence -holder of the Red Lion Inn, Llanddewi Brefi" CN 30 Jan 1891

"Trosglwyddwyd trwydded y Cross Inn, Llanddewi-brefi oddiwrth John Davies i Miss Eleanor Mary Davies. " Brython Cymreig 1 Dec 1893
Petty Sessions: Tregaron; number on list: 31; name of premises: Cross Inn; Parish / Place: Llanddewi Brefi; Licensee: Evans, Richard; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : Mr Phillip Rees, Tregaron; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)

Cross inn, David Evans, Llanddewi Brefi, Llanio Road,
Cardiganshire - Kelly's Directory

Closed, Compensation presumably paid but minute book ends.
(County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)
Licensing Committee. Decision to close the pub and pay compensation of £228
Cardigan and Tivyside Advertiser, 13 Jan. 1939

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