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Details of pub: Drawbridge Inn, Cardigan / Aberteifi

Other names: Drawbridge Bonded Stores
Address/Location: Lower/Middle Mwldan
OS Grid Ref: SN1766046112 probably
Opened: before 1835      
Closed: 1909       Type: Pub
Summary: Listed as Alehouse (not PH) in compensation list

Also ran a bonded stores, possibly at the same site. See advert.

Part of Middle Mwldan is referred to as 'Drawbridge' and includes several houses.

1908: " the house was situated in the Lower Mwldan, Cardigan. There were a bar, parlour, and kitchen on the ground floor. The bar measured 14ft. 9inches by 13ft. 9inches, the parlour 15ft. by 10 feet, and the kitchen 11ft. 9 inches by 11 ft. There were four bedrooms. A small yard was at the back, but there were not adequate sanitary arrangements. The place was in a fair state of repair. There were no stables."

Notes: In existence 1835-1909 (Glen Johnson's list from Trade Directories, Census returns etc.)

Owner Daniel Davies (advert)

Liquidations: "Daniel Davies, of the Drawbridge Bonded Stores, of the Bunch of Grapes Inn, and of St. Mary-street, all in Cardigan, wine, spirit, tea, and general merchant, and ironmonger." Cardiff Times 23 Dec 1882

Petty Sessions: Cardigan; number on list: 38; name of premises: Drawbridge Inn; Parish / Place: Cardigan; Licensee: Owen, John; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : Swansea Old Brewery; free or tied: tied; tied to: Swansea Old Brewery; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)
Closed, Compensation £95
(County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)

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Compensation claim notice 1908

Date: 1908


Advert for the Drawbridge Bonded Stores

Date: 1882


Description of the Drawbridge for compensation hearing

Date: 1908