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Details of pub: Cross Roads, Llandyfriog

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN3506441471
Opened: c.      
Closed: c. 1914       Type: Pub
Summary: Near Aber-Banc, in the parish of Llandyfiog.

Notes: 1868
Cross Roads, Lampeter Road, Newcastle Emlyn, Licensee: Davies, David
Slater’s Directory, 1868 (not in Worrall's directory, 1875)

Petty Sessions: Penrhiwpal; number on list: 6; name of premises: Cross Roads; Parish / Place: Llandyfriog; Licensee: Jones, Owen; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : Sir Marteine Lloyd, Bronwydd; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 7. (1905 list)
The pub was owned by Sir Marteine Lloyd (1851-1933), the second of the Lloyd Baronets of Bronwydd, Cardiganshire). He was on the Penrhiwpal licensing committee and thought there were too many public houses in the Country. He was content to have the licence with-held but the Bronwydd Rent Dinner was held here twice a year, so he had took legal advice and was told that he could take drinks there for the dinner even if the licence was taken away. Description of the rooms in the pub and their sizes.
Handwritten extracts taken from the 1911 petty sessions relating to licenses for public houses, in particular the Cross Roads Inn and Penrhiwllan Inn.
Ceredigion Archives, ADX/870/3/4/2/4
Recommended for closure, but the local licencing committee, but the licence was renewed by the County committee until 1914 when it was closed, Compensation £74
(County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)

Printed details of the figures on which the calculations for compensation were based. Also, Recommendation that the Cross Roads, Llandyfriog should not have its licence renewed with detailed descriptions of the premises.
Licensee: John Evans
County Council Clerk’s records, Bundle of correspondence relating to the licensing of public houses in Cardiganshire, 1910-1912, Ceredigion Archives, CDC/SE/14/2

1916 Jan
Licensing committee reports compensation of £74 now paid.

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Llandyfriog, 6 inch, 1904
