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Details of pub: Nanteos Arms, Cwmrheidol

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN7739581671
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Pub
Notes: The Nanteos Arms was abandoned in 1839 when the new inn, The Dyffryn Castle, was built, but the name, Nanteos Arms continued in use for many years -

"TO BE LET, And Entered upon immediately, ALL that well-known HOTEL & GENERAL POSTING HOUSE, called The NANTEOS ARMS, DYFFRYN-CASTELL, now in the occupation of Mrs. Jane Davies, who relinquishes business. The Hotel is situated mid-way between Llanidloes and Rhayader and Aberystwith. Distant from the Llanidloes Railway Station 16 Miles, and from Aberystwith 14 Miles. For particulars apply to T. W. Wells Esq., Aberystwith; Mrs. Jane Davies, on the Premises or Mr. John Scott, Hafod Arms, Devil's Bridge." AO 10 Nov 1860
"James Thomas, 'Steddfa-gurrig. miner, was summoned by Supt. J. Lloyd for being drunk and riotous on the turnpike-road, at Dyffryn Castell, on the 18th inst, P.C. Lewis (29) proved the offence. Defendant had also torn witness' coat, and damaged some furniture in the Nant Eos Arms. Fined 15s. and costs. Isaac Thomas was fined 10s. and costs for a similar offence, committed at the same time and place. The Chairman said Major Lewis had reported that this village was dangerous for a policeman to go to, and the bench must protect the police." AO 28 Sept 1878

"Alleged Assault. -William Morgan, Cefnvyches, Dyffryn Castell, was charged by R. J. Claridge and Mrs Claridge, Nanteos Arms, Dyffryn Castell, with having assaulted them on 29th April. Mr W.P. Owen appeared for defendant, and Mr Atwood, Bath-street, Aberystwyth, for the complainants. -Mr Claridge said that about 9 o'clock on the evening of 29th April he was sitting by the fireside in his private room reading a newspaper and his wife in the same room with a baby in her arms when defendant walked in. Complainant's wife told him to sit down. ..." CN 2 June 1893

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