The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Details of pub: Cross Inn, Cross Inn
Other names: Address/Location: OS Grid Ref: Opened: c.
Type: Inn
Summary: The place name suggests that there has been an inn here for several centuries. It is said that during the later part of the 20th century, this was a very popular pub but it was taken over by a tee-total landlord who gave his customers a lecture on the perils of alcohol while serving them their beer.
Notes: 1841
licensee: Davies, John
Petty Sessions, Aberaeron, NLW 20887, 15.9.1841, 29.9.1841
licensee: Davies, John
Petty Sessions, Aberaeron, NLW 13867, 31.8.1842, p. 61
Not listed in Petty Sessions list
Additional informationMap:
Cross Inn, Llanllwchchaiarn, 25 inch, 1905
Cross Inn
Date: 1900 (approx)