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Details of pub: Nags Head, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: Bridge Street
OS Grid Ref: SN5823681524
Opened: before 1822      
Closed: before 2017       Type: Pub
Notes: 1822
Evan Davies, Nag's Head, Bridge Street
(Pigot’s directory, 1822)
licensee: Evan Davies,
source: Pigot and Co, 1830
On the list of premises which were provided with water by the Aberystwyth Improvement Commissioners, 1837. Occupier / Landlord: Evan Davies, 15 Bridge Street (Ceredigion Archives)
Nags Head, David Lloyd, 15 Bridge Street.
Slater's Directory, 1859
'Deaths - On the 29th ult., aged 54 years, after a protracted illness, Mr. David Lloyd, of the Nag's Head, in this town'
Aberystwyth Observer 4.8.1860
Nag's Head, 15 Bridge Street
Mary Lloyd, head, widow, age 52, born in Aberystwyth, victualler.
1861 Census
'Marriages - On the 26th instant, at St. Michael's Church, in this town, by the Rev. Isaac Thomas, Curate, Mr. David Davies, Tailor, of Cardiff, to Mrs. Mary Lloyd, widow of the late Mr. David Lloyd, Nag's Head, in this place.
Aberystwyth Observer 30.9.1865
'PETTY SESSIONS, ABERYSTWYTH. Tuesday, January 9th, 1866. Before John Davies, Esq., Mayor, Thomas Jones, Esq., and John Roberts, Esq. DRUNK AND DISORDERLY. P.C. David Thomas, No. 8, sworn On Sunday last, about 11 o'clock at night, witness went to the Nag's Head public house, where he saw the defendant Morgan Edwards, who left the house. He was then very drunk, and when he reached the middle of the road he shouted aloud that he did not care for any policeman. He continued to make a great noise all down the street. When he reached Trefechan he took up some stones, and threw them at witness, one of which struck witness on the leg. Witness afterwards went with another policeman to defendant's lodgings, whom they found lying in the rain on the steps of his door. Fined 5s. and costs'
Aberystwyth Observer 13.1.1866
Nag's Head, Griffiths Williams, Bridge Street
Slater's Directory 1868
licensee: Daniel Thomas
source: Post Office directory, 1871
15 Bridge Street – Nag's Head
Daniel Thomas, head, age 45, born in Llanilar, licensed victualler.
Census, 1871
Nag's Head, Daniel Thomas, Inn and Public House, Bridge Street, Aberystwyth,
(Worrall’s Directory, 1875)

"Daniel Thomas, Nag's Head, Bridge-street, was charged with selling beer in a measure not legally stamped. David Owens proved that he asked for a pint of beer and he was supplied in a measure not stamped. Supt. Lloyd said lie sent witness into the house for a pint of beer, and followed him afterwards. The measure was not stamped, but it held more than a pint. Fined Is., and costs 7s. 6d."
CN 9 Feb 1877
"TRANSFERS. The license of the Crystal Palace,from Thos Abbot to Evan Humphreys Three Tuns, from William George Clarke to Evan Foulkes, New Market Tavern, from Henry Mitchell to William Evans "Nags Head," from David Thomas (deceased) to --- Thomas. " AO 10 May 1879
Nag's Head, Elizabeth Thomas, 15 Bridge Street.
Slater's Directory of North and South Wales 1880
15 Bridge Street
Elizabeth Thomas, head, widow, age 47, born Cwmrheidol, publican.
Census, 1881
Jane Lewis, Nag's Head (court report) - servant?
Nag's Head Inn
David Evans, head, age 36, born in Denbighshire, innkeeper.
Census 1891
Nag's Head, David Evans, 23 Bridge Street.
Slater's Directory of North and Mid Wales 1895
Landlord: David Evans. 23 Bridge Street.
Kelly's Directory 1895
1900 – Bennett's Business Directory – Nags Head Inn, 23 Bridge Street, D. Evans.

Obituary of David Evans - see att.

Petty Sessions: Aberystwyth; number on list: 24; name of premises: Nag's Head; Parish / Place: Aberystwyth; Licensee: Evans, Mary Ann; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : W H Palmer, Queen's Hotel; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 7. (1905 list)
'Nag's Head Hotel, 23 Bridge Street, M. A. Roberts. 2 sitting rooms, 7 bedrooms. Central, modern, board residence, good accommodation for cyclists.'
Official List of Hotels.... 1911
Nag's Head, 23 Bridge Street, Mrs M. A. Roberts.
Wales Trades Directory 1912
Transfer of the licence of the Nags Head Hotel, Bridge Street, from Mrs Sanders to Mr David Thomas, Blaengarw.
The applications were granted, but the house has been referred to the Compensation Authority, so that the licence will only run for a short time.
Cambrian News 5.12.1919
Landlady: Mrs Mary Ann Saunders. 23 Bridge Street.
Kelly's Directory 1920
Included for the first time in the Campaign For Real Ale, 'Good Beer Guide 2009'

Additional information


Nags Head, Bridge Street, Aberystwyth



Princess Street, High Street, Bridge Street, Aberystwyth, 50 inch, 1905



Auction notice

Date: 1919


Alleged theft (and a pub crawl)

Date: 1914


Trespass on manure heap

Date: 1884


List of pubs summonsed for using unstamped measures

Date: 1874


Obituary of David Evans, Nag's Head, Aberystwyth

Date: 1904


Assaulting wife - fined 2/6

Date: 1867


Auction of various licensed properties

Date: 1919


Smelly chip carts

Date: 1898