The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Other names: Tavernscour, Tavern-yscawen, TafarnscawenAddress/Location: OS Grid Ref: SN3628152128
Opened: before 1799
Type: Pub
Summary: Referred to as a poet died there in 1799.
This place name is marked as Tavernscour on Roper and Cole's map of Cardiganshire, 1809, on the main road between Cardigan and Aberaeron, just south of Pigeon's Ford.It's spelled the same on Smith's map of 1808. It was probably a public house at some time in the past. The Cary map of 1833 though, spells it as Tavern-ysgawen which sounds more likely.
On the Tithe map as Llwyniscawn
It shows on the 1890 25-inch map as Tafarn-yscawen
The building is still there in 2017, marked as Tafarnscawen on the Cyngor Ceredigion map
Notes: 1915
"GAN "JOHN Y GWAS." NATHANIEL JENKIN.—Un o feirdd Cwmdu ydoedd, a mab i Jenkin Thomas. Ganwyd ef oddeutu 1722, a bu farw tua 1799, yn Tafarn Ysgawen, lie preswyliai perthynas iddo o'r enw Benjamin Williams. Yr olaf oedd tad y Parchn. John Williams, Llan- dyfriog, a churad Penboyr, a'r Parch. Henry Williams, Llanedi. " Y Llan 26 Feb 1915
"Symudodd cyn terfyn ei oes at nai fab cefnder, o'r enw Benjamin Williams, Tafarn Ysgawen, tad y diweddar Barch. J, Williams, Llandyfriog, a'r Parch. H. Williams, Llanedi." Y Brython Cymreig 28 July 1899
Additional informationMap:
Roper's 1809 map showing the Tavernscour
Date: 1809
Tithe map Llwyniscaw
Date: 1844 (approx)