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Details of pub: Promenade Pier, Aberystwyth

Other names: Royal Pier Pavilion
Address/Location: Marine Terrace SY23 2AZ
OS Grid Ref: SN5815081809
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Pub
Summary: Probably in the pier

Notes: 1898
"CONSERVATIVE CLUB CONVERSAZIONE The annual entertainment in connection with the Conservative Club was held on Wednesday evening, at the Royal Pier Pavilion. Over eight hundred persons were admitted, and it is understood that a number of tickets were sold but not used, so that the proceeds will amount to a considerable sum, especially as the refreshments were given by the ladies, and the expenses of the professional entertainer were defrayed by some of the gentlemen connected with the movement. The large room was practically filled with a. delighted audience, many fair Radicals being included, having accompanied their friends. " AO 24 Feb 1898

Petty Sessions: Aberystwyth; number on list: 30; name of premises: Promenade Pier; Parish / Place: Aberystwyth; Licensee: Musk, Maud Henson, ; owner or tenant : managers; registered owner : A.I. Co Ltd; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)

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Aberystwyth Pier

Date: 1910 (approx)