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Details of pub: Ashleys, Aberystwyth

Other names:
Address/Location: 30-31 Marine Terrace
OS Grid Ref: SN5834281947
Opened: before 1934      
Closed: after 1960       Type: Hotel
Summary: The hotel was partly demolished, along with the King's Hall next to it, in the summer of 1989.

It's not clear if it was licenced. Possibly more a large boarding house?

Notes: Ashley's, Gillman, K.H., hotel proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, (1934), Official Guide and Souvenir, p. 104, (1934), advert)
Ashley's, Gillman, M.W., hotel proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, (1934), Official Guide and Souvenir, p. 104, (1934), advert)
Ashley's, Gillman, K.H., hotel proprietor & restaurant proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Aberystwyth, Official List , p. 17, (1940), advert)
Ashley's, Gillman, M.W., hotel proprietor & restaurant proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Aberystwyth, Official List , p. 17, (1940), advert)
Ashley's, Anon, hotel proprietor, 30 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, Next to King's Hall, (Anon, (1947), Aberystwyth, Where the Mountains come down to the Sea, p. 23, advert)
Ashley's, Ashley, hotel proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, 14 bedrooms, (Anon, (1954), What to see and How to see it, p. 117, (1954), advert
Ashleys Hotel, Ashleys Cafes Ltd., hotel proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, 14 bedrooms, 15/- per day, (Anon, Official Guide, p. 34, (1940s), advert)
Ashleys Hotel, Anon, hotel proprietor, 31 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Aberystwyth, Where Sunshine Awaits You , p. 33, (1950s), advert)
Ashleys Hotel, Anon, Hotel proprietor, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Official Guide, p. 27, (1950s), advert)
Ashley's Hotel, Anon, Ashley's Cafes Ltd.,, hotel proprietor, 31 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, 14 bedrooms and 15/- per day, (Anon, Aberystwyth, Where the Mountains come down to the Sea, p. 25, (1948), advert)
Ashley's Hotel, Anon, hotel proprietor, 31 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Official Guide, p. 34, (1956), advert)
Ashley's Hotel, Anon, hotel proprietor, 30-31Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Official Guide, p. 41, (1958), advert)
Ashley's Hotel, Anon, hotel proprietor, 30-31 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, (1959), Official Guide, p. 38, (1959), advert)
Ashley's Hotel, Anon, hotel manager, 30-31 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, Official Guide, p. 39, (1950s), advert)
Ashley's Hotel, Anon, hotel proprietor, 30-31 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, (Anon, (1950sa), Official Guide, p. 45, (1960s), advert)

Brochure for Ashley's Hotel and Licensed Restaurant Promenade, Aberystwyth, 1980s
Ceredigion Archives, ADX/216/1

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