The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Details of pub: New Street Vaults, Aberystwyth
Other names: Bank VaultsAddress/Location: 1 New Street
OS Grid Ref: SN5816781676
Opened: c.
Closed: 1908
Type: Pub
Summary: Name changed to Bank Vaults 1887/8, although references to it as Bank Vaults from 1880
Notes: 1870
Henry Chiles (advert)
licensee: Henry Chiles
source: Post Office directory, 1871
New Street Vaults, Chiles, Henry, Inn and Public House, 1 New Street, Aberystwyth, (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)
Mr Thomas Davies, New Street Vaults, Conservative Club Secretary. AO 2 Jan 1886
On 50-inch map as Bank Vaults
Petty Sessions: Aberystwyth; number on list: 8; name of premises: Bank Vaults; Parish / Place: Aberystwyth; Licensee: Glitheroe, Samuel, ; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : City Brewery, Litchfield; free or tied: tied; tied to: City Brewery; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)
Cardigan Licensing Committee "The Committee dealt with the license of the Bank Vauits, New-street, Aberystwyth, which was referred for compensation, the Aberystwyth Bench were of the opinion that the licence was not required to meet the wants of the neighbourhood. Mr. Hughes said New-street was within 20 yards of Pier-street, one of the most important streets in the town. There had been no conviction against the house. The tenant stated that he had four beds and took visitors of the class that did not want single beds. The Chairman - You do not mean to say it is a brothel? (laughter). Mr. Hughes-Oh, no; I meant the beds arc occupied by more than one person. The Chairman - Oh, I see. The Chairman asked how the claim for £456 12s. ld. was made out, and witness replied he was no scholar and could not say how the £ 276 6s. 6d. put down for trade profits was made out. Mr Hughes- those include the brewery profits. Inspector Phillips was called to oppose the renewal" Cmn Jnl 10 July 1908
Closed, Compensation £305 (County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)
Death. Mr John Richards an old inhabitant of Aberystwyth. Deceased at one time was the landlord of Bank Vaults and Blue Bell Hotel.
Cambrian News 5.2.1915
Additional information
Bank Vaults. 50 inch, 1887
Building on the site of the Bank Vaults, New Street
Date: 2016
Compensation claim notice 1908
Date: 1908
Advert for New Street Vaults
Date: 1870