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Details of pub: Lion, Aberaeron

Other names: Gogerddan Arms; Black Lion 3
Address/Location: 3 Bridge Street (on corner with Alban Square)
OS Grid Ref: SN458628
Opened: c.      
Closed: NOT KNOWN       Type: Pub
Summary: Meeting place of the Benefit Society, established or first registered: 1855
(JD Pratt’s list, printed, no. 83, date of approval by Pratt 19.2.1855)

Notes: 1840
Evans, David,
(Robson directory, 1840)
Evans, David,
(Quarter Sessions, NLW MS 13867, 61 31st August, 1842)
Edwards, John,
(Quarter Sessions, NLW MS 13868, p. 292a, 26th August, 1846)
Edwards, John,
(Slater’s Directory, 1859)
Edwards, John, (Census, 1861)
Lloyd, Elizabeth, (Petty Sessions, 1865)
An assignment of the leasehold of a property, dated 18th July, 1866, named the premises as Gogerddan Arms or “Lion Inn” Aberaeron. The lease was transferred from William Jones, Timothy Jones and Catherine Edwards, widow of John Edwards, late of Aberayron, innkeeper, deceased to John P Jones, chemist, Aberaeron. The original lease, dated 30.3.1833 refers to the land on which John Edwards lately built a property.
NLW Roberts and Evans, CB5/21/1 (with plan); CB5/21/3

See also Mair Lloyd Evans and Mair Harrison, The Ins and Outs of the Inns of Aberayron, (2013), pp. 9, 10, 16

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