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Details of pub: Crown Inn, Lampeter / Llanbedr Pont Steffan

Other names:
Address/Location: High Street SA48 7BA
OS Grid Ref: SN5773948099
Opened: before 1830      
Closed: 1926       Type: Pub
Mary Jones, Victualler (Crown)
Universal British Directory, 1791-1795
c. 1807
Wesleyans used to hold their meetings here whilst the Chapel was being built ( W J Lewis)
Licensee: Hannah Davies
Listed in Pigot’s directory:
Crown Inn: David Jenkins, carpenter
Crown Inn: Thomas Jenkins, carpenter. William Jenkins, Bookseller (Both sons of above David Jenkins)
Innkeeper: Jane Davies (daughter of Jenkin & Jane Davies, Drovers’ Arms. Died 23. 12. 1873 aged 71)
Innkeeper: Letitia Davies. (later married Richard Thomas. She died 31.8.1886, aged 44)
Innkeeper: Richard Thomas
Innkeeper: Richard Thomas. (died 8.8.1905 aged 56)
Licensee: Jenkins, Thomas
Slater’s Directory, 1868
licensee: Eliza Jenkins (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)
Petty Sessions: Lampeter; number on list: 6; name of premises: Crown Inn; Parish / Place: Lampeter; Licensee: Thomas, Richard; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : G H Newman, Waggon Works, Stourbridge; free or tied: Free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)
Licensed Victualler : Margaret Thomas, wife of David Thomas, (who died 13. 8. 1909 aged 65). Margaret died 11. 4. 1914 (63)
1914 May
Transfer of License to Mrs Leo Evans from late Mrs Margaret Thomas
Closed, Compensation £264
(County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1)

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The Crown Inn, Lampeter

Date: 1960 (approx)


Description of the Crown Inn

Date: 1905