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Details of pub: Brynhoffnant Inn, Brynhoffnant / Bryn-Hoffnant

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN3315751360
Opened: c.      
Closed: 2017       Type: Pub
Summary: In Penbryn Parish, but sometimes given the address of Llangranog.

Closed and for sale in 2017: estate agents details http://bit.ly/2sqYM3x

Notes: 1874
"LLANGRANOG SHOW OF GREEN Crops.-Mr Owen Jones, merchant of this place, announced in the early part of this year, that he would present two silver cups as prizes, for the best show of swede turnips, grown with Messrs Burnard, Lick, and Algers' manures, he being their agent for this district. The show therefore took place on Wednesday, Dec. 2, at the Brynhoffnant Inn. The produce shown was of superior quality, the first prize, a silver cup value £3 3s. being awarded to Mr David Richards, Gernos, St. Dogmells," CN 11 Dec 1874

licensee: John Reynolds (Worrall’s Directory, 1875)

Featured in the Tithe riots - see att.

Marked as 'Inn' on the OS 1 inch map, revised 1897, published 1899
Petty Sessions: Penrhiwpal; number on list: 16; name of premises: Brynhoffnant; Parish / Place: Penbryn; Licensee: Reynolds, Simon; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : James M Reynolds, 2 Alma Street, Brynmawr; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)

"George Kirk, landlord of the Brynhoffnant Inn, Llangranog, was charged with supplying a bottle of Bass at 5.25 p.m. on a Saturday to John Griffith Jones, of New Quay. Mr. D. Roy Evans (Newcastle Emlyn), for defendant, contended that his client had given strict instructions to his wife not to supply during closing hours. This view was upheld and the case dismissed. Mrs. Kirk was charged with supplying John Griffith Jones with a bottle of beer on the day in question and in this case Mr. Roy Evans contended that the charge instead of being of "supplying" should, according to the wording of the Order, have been for "selling." This case was dismissed on payment of costs" CN 10 Nov 1916

Copies of a series of letters dated 2 September 1948 including one to Mr Jones, Brynhoffnant Inn, Llangranog Road, Llandyssul, from the Vale of Clettwr Hunt as follows; ‘I was asked at the last Meeting of the Vale of Clettwr Hunt to write to you with reference to the collecting book in your possession, and I shall be obliged if you will now return this to me with any money you have to hand.’
Ceredigion Archives VC/1/36

Additional information


Brynhoffnant Inn, OS 1 inch map, 1897



Brynhoffnant Inn, Tithe map, 1840s



Brynhoffnant Inn, OS 1 inch map, 1897



Brynhoffnant Inn, 6 inch map, 1904



Advert, 1973



OS 6-inch map, 1887

Date: 1887


Tithe riots in Penbryn

Date: 1889


Photo of the Brynhoffnant Inn 2016

Date: 2016