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Details of pub: Gwernant Arms, Rhydlewis

Other names: Gwer-nant Arms
Address/Location: Bwlchgwyn, Llangunllo parish
OS Grid Ref: SN3471347261
Opened: before 1875      
Closed: c. 1914       Type: Pub
Summary: This was one of about 100 pubs which the County Licensing committee closed after the 1904 act to reduce the number of pubs in Britain, but this is one of the few for which details of the calculation of the compensation paid is available.

Notes: 1876
4 Jan, location of property auction. Y Baner 25 Dec 1875

Location of auction of land Y Baner 30 July 1884

"PENRHIWPAL. PETTY SESSIONS. On Tuesday, July 29th, before Rev R. J. Lloyd, Sir M. O. M. Lloyd, and Dr Lloyd, New. castle Emlyn, Hannah Lloyd, Gwernant Arms, Rhyd-lewis, Llangunllo, was charged by P.C. David James, New Inn, with having sold intoxicating liquors to two persons during prohibited hours on the 2nd July. William R. Jones, Dyffrynseri, Troedyraur, shop-keeper, and John Jones, Llain, Penbryn. farmer's son were charged with having been on the licenced premises of Gwernant Arms, during prohibited hours on the 2nd July. All of the defendants pleaded guilty and were fined 1s. each and costs. " Cambrian News 22 Aug 1890

Petty Sessions: Penrhiwpal; number on list: 15; name of premises: Gwernant Arms; Parish / Place: Rhydlewis; Licensee: Lloyd, Hannah ; owner or tenant : tenant; registered owner : G H Ll Williams, Gwernant, Rhydlewis; free or tied: free; tied to: [blank]; type of licence: full; on or off licence: on; number of licenced days per week: 6. (1905 list)
27th February 1912
Henry Evans, Licensee of the Gwernant Arms; detailed description of the building; it is the only PH in the village; there is a Rechabite Club at Rhydlewis; a Temperance Hotel recently built; evidence from Gilbert Lloyd Williams, owner of the house; evidence from J E James, joint proprietor of the Salutation Hotel; printed questionnaire and hand-written answers used to calculate the compensation.
The nearest Licences house to it is Penrhiwpal where the magistrates hold their meetings.
County Council Clerk’s records, Bundle of correspondence relating to the licensing of public houses in Cardiganshire, 1910-1912, Ceredigion Archives, CDC/SE/14/2
It was proposed to close the pub in 1912, but the process was slow and it was not achieved until 1914. £209 was paid,
County Licencing Committee, 1905-1938 Ceredigion Archives, Cards/QS/L/1

1 Carmarthen Journal 31 Jan 1913 regarding resolution passed by Temperance Society

2. Date and publication as above but a piece in the local news section under Rhydlewis regarding the petition.

3. Carmarthen Journal 6 Feb 1914 re the Brewster Sessions. (To date, haven’t been able to find anything in the intervening year).

4. Carmarthen Journal 27 Feb 1914 licence refused at Petty Sessions

5. Cambrian News 12 June 1914. The first official notice published re the case for compensation.

6. Cambrian News 10 July 1914. The amount of compensation awarded.

7. Cambrian News 30 Oct 1914. Report from Quarter Sessions re division of money awarded for compensation.

Additional information


Proposals to close the Gwernant Arms 1

Date: 1913


Proposals to close the Gwernant Arms 2

Date: 1913


Proposals to close the Gwernant Arms 3

Date: 1914


Proposals to close the Gwernant Arms 4



Proposals to close the Gwernant Arms 5

Date: 1914


Proposals to close the Gwernant Arms 6



Proposals to close the Gwernant Arms 7

Date: 1914


Gwernant Inn, Rhydlewis, 6 inch, 1904

Date: 1904 (approx)