The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.
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N.B. Some pubs do not appear on the maps as we do not have a definite location for them.
Details of pub: Gilfach Arms, Mydroilyn
Other names: Gilfach InnAddress/Location: Mydroilyn
OS Grid Ref: SN4553455481
Opened: c.
Closed: open 2017
Type: Pub
Notes: 1871-1872
Ale House Licences for Evan Richards, for the Gilfach Arms, Madroylin [Mydroilyn], Llanarth, September, 1871 and 1872. [Evan Richard also had a licence for the Red Lion, Mydroilyn in the same year].
NLW Evan Richards Papers, 8, 9
"Assault. John Lewis, Gilfach Arms, Llanarth, charged Evan Williams, labourer, Cwmcistell Llanarth, with having on September 26, assaulted and beat him on his own premises. Fined 20s and costs. -Mrs Francis Lewis, wife of complainant, charged the same defendant with having been guilty of the same offence towards her. Fined 30s and costs. The same John Lewis appeared also against David Evans, labourer, Penyffynon, Llanarth, charging him with the same offence on the same date. Fined 20s and costs." CN 7 Oct 1876
"Charges of Shebeening, Evan Davies, Tynycwyn, Llanarth, labourer, and John Lewis, Gilfach, Mydroilyn, Llanarth farmer, were charged by D.C.C. Williams, with having been concerned in selling beer without a license at Gilfach, Llanarth, on December 7th. Davies appeared, whilst Lewis was represented by his daughter. -Evidence was given by P.C. Thomas, Aberayron, and P.C. Evans. Llanon. The defence was that the defendants gave a cask of beer to their friends gratis.-The Bench fined Davies 10s. including costs and dismissed the charge aganst Lewis, there being a doubt as to whether he was the occupier of the house where the beer was consumed as alleged by the prosecution." CN 24 Dec 1897
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