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Details of pub: Cocoa House, Aberystwyth

Other names: Temperance House
Address/Location: 4 Chalybeate St
OS Grid Ref: SN5840081698
Opened: 1879      
Closed: after 1918       Type: Temperance
Summary: Originally opened by the Aberystwyth Cocoa House Company. Privately owned from 1886. Lease available from 1918

Notes: 1879
"COCOA HOUSE COMPANY, Limited, ABERYSTWYTH. WANTED, a MANAGER for the Cocoa House and Refreshment Rooms about to be opened in this town. Applicants to forward testimonials, and stating salary. to me on or before the 21st instant. DAVID LLOYD, Portland-street, Aberystwyth. Secretary."
AO 17 May 1879

1881 Census
Elizabeth Evans, 37, widow, manageress of cocoa house, 28, Chalybeate Terrace, Aberystwith

Adverts for John Davies

1891 Census
John Davies is described as a warehouseman.
Wife Mary 59 Manageress Coff(?)

Same advert as 1896, but called Cocoa House. CBV 27 June 1891

1895 - name now Temperance House
1896 - see advert
1897 - advert

1899 Mr John Morgan at No.4 (ysgrifenydd cyffredinol yr undeb cerddorol) Baner 10 May 1899

Seems to have been occ. by J Jones Stonemason WGWWA 5 Nov 1903

Auction of furniture and effects. CN 02 Nov 1906

"A meeting of Trinity Football Club will be held at the Cocoa House, 4 Chalybeate street, on Friday August 23rd, at 8.30. p.m. All last season's members are asked to try their utmost to attend, and players desiring to join are heartily invited. " AO 22 Aug 1907

Additional information


Review of Aberystwyth Cocoa House, 1879

Date: 1879


Editorial about the failings of the Cocoa House Company

Date: 1882


Advert for Davies Temperance House

Date: 1896