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The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.

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Details of pub: White Lion, Lampeter / Llanbedr Pont Steffan

Other names:
Address/Location: 17 Harford Square SA48 7HE
OS Grid Ref: SN5778348104
Opened: before 1851      
Closed: c. 1881       Type: Pub
Summary: Belonged to the Peterwell (Falcondale) Estate.
On the 1851-81 Censuses, with the same family as tenants.
In Nov. 1881 the White Lion, and two adjoining premises were sold by leasehold, and John Charles Harford Esq. stipulated in the Indenture that the premises were no longer to be used for the sale of intoxicating liquor.
The same family resided there until c.1915, but as a Grocer and baker's shop.
2000 to present day a hairdresser's salon

William Jones, Innkeeper (died 1856)
Jane Jones (Widow) Baker & Beer Retailer
Licensee: Jones, Jane
Slater’s Directory, 1868 (not in Worrall's directory, 1875)
Jane Jones, Publican
Jane Jones, Publican, (died 1883)
Rev John Jones, Vicar of Llanor, Caernarvonshire, leases “All that piece and parcel of land being portion of The Peterwell Estate… on which said piece of ground premises lately called The White Lion, Swan and Smith’s Arms stood” from John Charles Harford, Esq., & Mrs Harford, Falcondale.
£750 + Rent £6 pa, to be paid in 2 installments:
i) 25th March ii) 29th Sept
Length of lease - 50 yrs (expiring 1931)
Clause included in indenture contract stating “that Lessee is not to use or convert the said messuages or dwelling houses and buildings for any purposes than as a dwelling house or shop nor to use the same for any part thereof for a Tavern or Inn Beershop and not permit any offensive trades to be carried on.
John Jones (William & Jane’s son) and his wife Anne, Baker & Grocer
Anne Jones dies
John Jones remarries – another Anne
John & Anne Jones, Grocer
John Jones dies

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