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Details of pub: Bulls Head Inn, Llanilar (p)

Other names:
OS Grid Ref: SN6223975105
Opened: c. 1877      
Closed: 1884       Type: Pub
Summary: Replacement building for the Old Inn [show pub]
John Richards of the Bulls Head Inn in Llanilar, innkeeper and mason was declared bankrupt in Feb. 1884. He owed £78 plus solicitors fees of £16. He sold some of his furniture worth £38 to pay off some debts. He had previously been bankrupt in 1875.
NLW Roberts and Evans, CG3/16

Location: based on 1906 newspaper report that site was now 'The Post Office' - taken from 1906 map.

Notes: 1884
County Court of Cardiganshire, Aberystwyth
Re John Richard, exparte the Debtor [who] filed a petition on 22.1.1884, the Official receiver is constituted Receiver of the Estate of John Richard of the Bull’s Head Inn in Llanilar, Innkeeper and Mason, and that the London and Provincial Bank shall be restrained from taking any further proceedings on the judgement of the High Court.
NLW Roberts and Evans, CG3/8

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Moving to new building

Date: 1877


Bit of history

Date: 1906


Llanilar 6-inch OS map

Date: 1906