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Description of the Crown Inn

Source: Welsh Gazette and West Wales Advertiser 16/03/1905       Date: 1905
Copyright:       Type: Newspaper

The Crown Inn. Three objections were laid down by the Chief Constable against the renewal of the license of the Crown Inn, viz., that the house was not required; that it was structurally unfit; and that, on 21st January, 1904, the licensee was convicted for selling beer to a child under 14 years of age. Sergt. Thomas said the house was situated in High-street. It was fully licensed and doing a fair business. There were nine public houses within a radius of 100 yards. The passage to the house through which horses had to be taken was about 4tt. or 5 ft. wide. Customers had also to go through the passage and he considered it was dangerous. Witness then described the house, and said the windows were small and the rooms rather dark. Referring to the third objection. the clerk (Mr. Daniel Watkins) pointed out that there was no conviction, but it was taken as dismissal on payment of costs. Cross-examined by Mr. D. F. Lloyd, witness said that this house was used extensively on fair days. There was accommodation for about 30 or 40 horses. During his time the house had been properly conducted. Mr. Lloyd called upon ex-Sergt. Thomas to give evidence. Mr. Thomas said he had been in Lampeter for six years and the Crown was about the best house in the town. He was no architect and could not say anything about the structure. He knew of no complaint against it, nor of any accident. It was required on Market days, perhaps, more than anyone of its size. lo was well con- ducted. Cross-examined, witness admitted that a complaint had been made by the Town Council with regard to leaving carts in front of the house. "But," continued witness, "the Town Council is so changeable." (Laughter). It was very much frequented by farmers, as they preferred old houses to the hotels. In giving their decision with regard to the Plough and the Crown the bench said they would renew both licensee. They did not see why the owners were not there, and said the doors should be put at proper height If they did not carry out the improvements they would consider the matter from another point of view next time.
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Crown Inn , High Street, Lampeter