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Breach of Sunday Closing
Source: CN 02/08/1895
Date: 1895
Copyright: Type: Newspaper
Description: Court report for alleged breach of Sunday Closing, reason given was "courting in the house" - case dismissed.
Transcript:Alleged Breach rf the Sunday Closing Act.-Thomas Griffith, Royal George Inn, Lampeter, licensed victualler, was charged by D. C. C. Williams, Llandyssul, with having unlawfully kept his licensed premises open at 12.15 on Sunday, June 30th.-John Evans, Glandulas-terrace, Lampeter, railway porter, and Lewis Davies, Pontfaen Coffee Tavern, Lampeter, cabinet maker, were summoned for having un- lawfully been found on the licensed premises of the Royal George at 12.15 a.m. on Sunday June 30th.-The charge against Griffiths was taken first.-D. C. C. Williams conducted the case for the prosecution.—The Clerk asked defendant if he admitted or denied it ?—Defendant, handing in a note to the Bench, replied that he was not going to admit it. He added that he was away on that day and knew nothing about it. He was told that Evans and Davies were in courting the girls that night.—D. C. C. Williams, having opened the case for the prosecution, called P. S. Davies, who stated that at a quarter past twelve o'clock on Sunday morning, June 30th, he called at the Royal George Inn, when defendant's daughter opened the door the light in the house at the same time being blown out. By the aid of a match he searched the front room believing that there was someone there. The candle was subsequently lighted and he continued his search. As a result he discovered two men concealed in the back kitchen and found two pint vessels of beer on the floor under the bench upon which the two men sat. The men he identified as being John Evans, a railway porter on the Manchester and Milford Railway, and the other as being Lewis Davies, of the Pontfaen Coffee Tavern. EventualIy, defendant's daughter said the young men were there courting, and Davies, one of the men, also said they were there for that purpose. They remarked that they considered themselves fully justified in staying in the house all night, so he (witness) had to go and leave them there.-Examined by D. C. C. Williams The license was a six days' license and was granted to defendant.—Cross-examined by defendant The young men were sober and civil.—Defendant said he had nothing to say in defence as he was away from home.—P.S. Davies remarked that he was informed that defendant was at home that day.—By the Bench Did not know whether the young men habitually went to the Inn.—By D.C. Williams Subsequently found out that the statement that one of the men were courting was true.—The Bench deliberated for a few minutes and the Mayor, conveying the decision, said that they found that the police did their duty and were justified in bringing the charge forward. On the other hand they found that the young men were not in the public house purposely to break the law, but to follow the old-fashion custom of courting in the house. The custom, personally, he thought was a bad one especially when it was carried on so late at night. He thought it would be a warning to Mr Griffith and hoped he would have it discontinued henceforth. The Bench found that there was no intention on the part of the young men to infringe the law. Therefore they dismissed the case. —D.C.C. Williams thereupon withdrew the charges against Evans and Davies.
Notes:Linked to Lampeter/Llanbedr Pont Steffan Pontfaen Coffee Tavern , 10 & 11 Harford Square, Lampeter, Lampeter (exact location uncertain) Royal George , Harford Square, LampeterTotal: 2