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Details of person: Band of Hope,

Born: Not known       Died: Not known       Active from: 1855       Active to: Not known
Notes:The Band of Hope Union was founded in 1855, during an era when excessive drinking amongst adults was common, adding to the problems of poor living conditions and health, and maltreatment of children and child mortality. Alcohol was freely available to youngsters.

It was an organisation for children under 16, with the aim of preventing them from starting to drink alcohol, but it also functioned as a children’s club, embracing all sorts of activities.

There were a number of branches in Cardiganshire.

It seems to have been non-denominational: Cardigan was run by the Church, Aberaeron by a Chapel.

Places associated with this person

Total: 1

Other people associated with this person
Band of Hope, Cardigan St Marys, [-]
Peniel Chapel Aberaeron, Band of Hope, [-]

Total: 2

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