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The database currently contains details of 1002 pubs and other premises, 256 places and 209 people. There are also 329 photos and postcards, 80 pub signs, 672 newspaper articles, 253 maps and 104 documents. About 134 pubs are still open.

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List all establishments (Brewery)

NamePlaceDate openedDate closedTypeOther names
Aberclydan BreweryLlanonsee Felinfor BreweryBrewery
Aberclydan StoresLlanonsee Felinfor BreweryBrewery
Allsopps Aberystwyth (Hampton House, Railway Terrace)18831896Brewery
David Roberts and SonAberystwythsee Roberts BreweryBrewery
Felinfor Brewery Llanon (Heol y Mor, Llanon)before 1837c. 1886BreweryAberclydan Brewery; Aberclydan Stores; Penarwel Club; Plas Morfa Hotel
Kops Aberystwyth (London, Manchester and Birmingham)c. NOT KNOWNBrewery
Malthouse Trefechanc. NOT KNOWNBrewery
Malthouse, Bridge Street Aberystwyth (Bridge Street)c. NOT KNOWNBrewery
Malthouse, Skinner's Arms Aberystwyth (Pier Street)c. NOT KNOWNBrewery
Penarwel ClubLlanonsee Felinfor BreweryBrewery
Penlon Cottage Brewery New Quay (Panteg Farm)c. open 2017Brewery
Plas Morfa HotelLlanonsee Felinfor BreweryBrewery
Roberts Brewery Aberystwyth (Trefechan)c. 1844after 1950BreweryDavid Roberts and Son
Showing 8 records
= Pub = Inn = Hotel = Beerhouse = Temperance = Unlicenced = Off licence = Other = Place